It is a genuine honor to welcome you all to my new site! A new
place to enhance my online presence! I hope you enjoy rummaging through every page like a rat, and seeing what they have to offer!
I hope you come by often, and don't be afraid to shoot me an email about how I made this place, or a commission,
Thanks for checking this place out.

- Andy R


It is a genuine honor to welcome you all to my new site! A brand new place to enhance my online presence! I hope you enjoy rummaging through every page like a rat, and seeing what every page has to offer! I hope you come by often, and don't be afraid to shoot me an email about how I made this place, or a commission, or... ANYTHING!Thanks for checking this place out.
Andy R




Got a Question? Commission? or Help with Art?Feel free to reach out!

If you don't have any of those, you can easily reach me thorugh here with the form below!


Got a Question? Commission?
or Help with Art?
Feel free to reach out!

If you don't have any of those, you can easily reach me thorugh here with the form below!

See what my awesome friends have to say about me and why you should totally hire me for a commission!

Describe me in one word or image:



Akhil K.






Brayden M.

Ethan S.

Christopher R.



Dylan T.

Dylan (Crow Actor)


Ryan E.

Matthew M.

Big Portal








Fabio D.



See what my awesome friends have to say about me and why you should totally hire me for a commission!

Describe me in one word or image:



Akhil K.





Brayden M.

Ethan S.


Christopher R.


Dylan T.




Ryan E.

Matthew M.








"Mio fratello"

Fabio D.


Look at that! the thumbnail from one of Wavetro's meatiest videos! I had a lot of
fun working on this one, mashing everything we did into one absolutely slamming thumbnail! Youtube thumbnails are so small so I'm glad this piece now has it's
own little spotlight.

(Original Sketch Scan)


Look at that! the thumbnail from one of Wavetro's meatiest videos! I had a lot of fun working on this
one, mashing everything we did into one absolutely slamming thumbnail! Youtube thumbnails are so small
so I'm glad this piece now has it's own little spotlight.

(Original Sketch)

Here's a piece I made long ago for Castle of Cagliostro's 31st Anniversary! I would really love to post my process of this piece but recently my old laptop's hard drive was completely wiped during a repair, losing nearly 4 years of progress. Luckily not everything is gone, but I don't know how much I actually have, you can also notice the lack of dates of all of my drawings.Maybe I should keep better track of my stuff...


Here's a piece I made long ago for Castle of Cagliostro's 31st Anniversary! I would really love to post my process of this piece but recently my old laptop's hard drive was completely wiped during a repair, losing nearly 4 years of progress. Luckily not everything is gone, but I don't know how much I actually have, you can also notice the lack of dates of all of my drawings.Maybe I should keep better track of my stuff...

Check this out! Did you know that Review Series was supposed to have more than 1 episode? I know crazy, well for the second episode (and onward) I really wanted to give everything a complete revamp, including the main location for every episode, this took me a bit to make and I still really love how it looks! If only it were used for its original purpose..

(Unused desk setting for 2nd failed revival)


Check this out! Did you know that Review Series was supposed to have more than 1 episode? I know crazy, well for the second episode (and onward) I really wanted to give everything a complete revamp, including the main location for every episode, this took me a bit to make and I still really love how it looks! If only it were used for its original purpose..

(Unused desk setting for 2nd failed revival)

Mobile users rejoice! We have a vertical piece which are one of the last digital drawings I did before moving to my new laptop. Because it was on the old laptop, I have no production photos but I still love the way this one turned out, especially with this being one of the few pieces where I use color.(apologies for being a splatoon fan)


Mobile users rejoice! We have a vertical piece, and this one is the last digital drawing I did before moving to my new laptop, so like the previous I have no production photos. Either way I love how this one turned out, this is one of the few pieces where I use color, something very foreign for my art.(also apologies for being a splatoon fan)

Mobile users are feasting on another vertical piece for you all to enjoy! This piece commemorates the release of Ballmastrz: Rubicon, a special for the show Ballmastrz 9009, one of my favorite shows (You should totally watch it!!!). Christy Karacas, the creator of the show saw my art piece and said it "looked fantastic." During its creation, my laptop would constantly crash. I'm very lucky that I was able to find a recovery file and finish the piece.


Mobile users are feasting! Another vertical piece for you all to enjoy. This one I made for the release of Ballmastrz: Rubicon, a special for one of my favorite shows Ballmastrz 9009 which you should totally watch. This piece had the honor of being seen by the creator Christy Karacas which is super cool! I almost lost this piece twice due to my old laptop being slow and would hit me with a surprise crash which is basically a punch to the gut for an artist. By pure magic I was able to find a recovery file deep in my files, and I was able to finish the piece.

(Original Photoshop Draft)

Oh jeez this has gotta suck on mobile. Anyways here's a little vent-ish piece? It's more just everything in my life, school, work, living, everything with a few extra silly things thrown in. This is a newer piece that I really didn't put much time into but is still cool nonetheless.


Oh jeez this has gotta suck on mobile. Anyways here's a little vent-ish piece? It's more just everything in my life, school, work, living, everything with a few extra silly things thrown in. This is a newer piece that I really didn't put much time into but is still cool nonetheless.

Here's a pretty cool piece I did around the time I saw Across The Spider-Verse. I absolutely love the style of the spot's scenes from his backstory to Miles's vision. I wanted to do a piece that's similar to the style. It's nothing crazy and I really think I could've done better with the details within the spider eyes, but as is it's not bad and I had fun figuring out the halftone effect.


Here's a pretty cool piece I did around the time I saw Across The Spider-Verse. I absolutely love the style of the spot's scenes from his backstory to Miles's vision. I wanted to do a piece that's similar to the style. It's nothing crazy and I really think I could've done better with the details within the spider eyes, but as is it's not bad and I had fun figuring out the halftone effect.(I SHOULD BE PUTTING MY SIGNATURE ON THESE)


Here's a collage of all the logos I made for Jacob Gingerich's indie game, Ghost Blast! The first logo commission I ever did for anybody! I had a blast working with him and it was great seeing it in-game and my name in the credits! It was a great time that really got me started in doing work online!

This of course wasn't the only logo I made, Jacob and I had to go through multiple drafts before getting the final.

(Draft 4)

(Draft 3)

(Draft 2)

(Draft 1)


Here's a collage of all the logos I made for Jacob Gingerich's indie game, Ghost Blast! The first logo commission I ever did for anybody! I had a blast working with him and it was great seeing it in-game and my name in the credits! It was a great time that really got me started in doing work online!


This of course wasn't the only logo I made, Jacob and I had to go through multiple drafts before getting the final.

(Draft 4)

(Draft 3)

(Draft 2)

(Draft 1)


The main setting wasn't the only thing that was going to be changed when
Review Series was going to continue. As I said in the desk artwork I was going for
a complete overhaul for every single element. Including the logo, which wasn't really much of a logo, the original was ripped straight from a Sega Genesis game's text sprites. As well as the original logo, you can also view some logos I made for the failed revival.

(Concept 1)

(Concept 2)

(Concept 3)


The main setting wasn't the only thing that was going to be changed when Review Series was going to continue. As I said in the desk artwork I was going for a complete overhaul for every single element. Including the logo, which wasn't really much of a logo, the original was ripped straight from a Sega Genesis game's text sprites. As well as the original logo, you can also view some logos I made for the failed revival.


(Concept 1)

(Concept 2)

(Concept 3)

(That Weekend Named Awesome Final Logo)

Here is a small group of logos I made for my good friend and youtuber Wavetro! These I had a blast working on and allowed me to flex some of my college skills and make some real nice logos.(not that they're anything amazing but they're better than anything I've made previously)Multiple drafts were made before finding a satisfying final. I wanted a logo that mixed our two font styles together! What you see here are 9 drafts Wavetro and I went through before finding the final product!

This is a slideshow so keep watching to see the process!

That wasn't the only logo I made for Mr. Tro, If you keep track of his content, one of the series he has running is
Ask Wavetro! which I also produced the logo for because his old one bothered me, so I made one that is much better!
(no offense to George Wavetro he is very talented)

(Ask Wavetro! Final)

All in all I had a fantastic time working with Wavetro and it was truly an honor to be working alongside him in stupid and hilarious projects. I truly hope we can work together again and make more fun and engaging nonsense. The video we made reawakened my love for video creation and editing, I don't think this website would he here if it weren't for George.

Thanks bro.


Here is a small group of logos I made for my good friend and youtuber Wavetro! These I had a blast working on and allowed me to flex some of my college skills and make some real nice logos.(not that they're anything amazing but they're better than anything I've made previously)

(That Weekend Named Awesome Final Logo)

Multiple drafts were made before finding a satisfying final. I wanted a logo that mixed our two font styles together! What you see here are 9 drafts Wavetro and I went through before finding the final product!

This is a slideshow so keep watching to see the process!

That wasn't the only logo I made for Mr. Tro, If you keep track of his content, one of the series he has running is Ask Wavetro! which I also produced the logo for because his old one bothered me, so I made one that is much better!(no offense to George Wavetro he is very talented)


All in all I had a fantastic time working with Wavetro and it was truly an honor to be working alongside him in stupid and hilarious projects. I truly hope we can work together again and make more fun and engaging nonsense. The video we made reawakened my love for video creation and editing, I don't think this website would he here if it weren't for George.Thanks bro.


Here it is, the good old video that most probably don't remember now, but was originally designed to get my name out there on the internet.While this is just a Youtube embed, I can safely say this video has been preserved trough my external hard drive, which surprisingly has a lot of old artwork. Not everything unfortunately, but this video and all of its assets are safe and sound.

I absolutely loved working on this video. Despite its various flaws, I still look back at this video fondly. If it weren't for George, Fabio, and Brayden to really encourage me to get up and get moving on it I don't think the video would've been completed in such a smooth fashion. I truly appreciate all of the effort the put in to help me move forward with my work. Even if it didn't go as planned.Thanks you guys for all of your help.

Sorry for destroying your shirt bro : (


Brayden M.
Fabio D.
Joddie L.

Thanks again you guys


Here it is, the good old video that most probably don't remember now, but was originally designed to get my name out there on the internet.While this is just a Youtube embed, I can safely say this video has been preserved trough my external hard drive, which surprisingly has a lot of old artwork. Not everything unfortunately, but this video and all of its assets are safe and sound.I absolutely loved working on this video.
Despite its various flaws, I still look back at this video fondly. If it weren't for George, Fabio, and Brayden to really encourage me to get up and get moving on it I don't think the video would've been completed in such a smooth fashion. I truly appreciate all of the effort the put in to help me move forward with my work. Even if it didn't go as planned.
Thanks you guys for all of your help.

Sorry for destroying your shirt bro : (


Brayden M.
Fabio D.
Joddie L.

Thanks again you guys


(Review Series Intro)

(Review Series Poster)

(Style Concept At)

(Room Drawing)

(unused thumbnail)

Where do I even start, obviously Review Series was going to have more than one episode. The original intention was for it to be more than just a video game review show, episodes were going to have a larger focus on plot than reveiwing the actual game. The plot of an average episode would be me trying to review a game, and how the annoyances of life can get in the way of trying to do one simple task. I used to have really bad equipment, with my laptop constantly crashing, the monitor was busted, the battery stopped working, an awful mic, and a mid-range drawing tablet. I wanted the issues I faced daily to be a key aspect to the story and I always thought it was the reason I couldn't get my work off the ground.I can't really say this is the case anymore. I have a new laptop, camera, microphone, and drawing tablet, they all run like a dream. It's honestly everything I ever wanted. I was able to get them thanks to a few jobs I've had over the years, and more importantly due to support from my family.Even with all of this great equipment, I still struggled with getting my ideas off the ground. I only ever really blamed what was around me for my issues rather than realizing that I have a hard time sitting down and working. Whether it be due to fear, doubt, anxiety, or failure, I made a million reasons for why I shouldn't work. It was a constant battle that probably tired me out more than sitting down and just doing it.I made this website because I want to return to the stuff I used to do and finally break from all the fear and self doubt that I made for myself.Unfortunately, I can't really say what I will make next. More Review Series? Maybe, probably not. Will it be some crazy film about the issues I face creatively!? I wish, but I also have this really weird thing called college, it's ok if you haven't heard of it, just know it takes up a lot of my time. Who knows, it being a surprise will hopefully make whatever I do next that much sweeter.It's sad to me that I never got to see what my original idea was going to become. Life keeps moving and whatever I make next has to adapt to that, which means I can't really go back and just do more of what I did. It's not like I really want to anyways, I'm learning to be happier with what I have now. It's about everything I ever wanted, all I have to do now is do it.If you know me personally, just know that you've helped me more than you realize, I wouldn't be pushing through all the garbage I deal with if it weren't for all of the amazing people around me, they're the real reasons why I do any of this at all, I just want to make stuff that's for my friends and family. I hope anyone outside of that circle enjoys my stuff too of course.The rest of this page will be dedicated to everyone who helped me with this video and the series that never happened.

Review Series: Part 0

Episode 1 & 2 Credits

Wavetro (George)

Writing Consulting, Advice, Friend

Joddie Lopez

Concept Artist, Layout Artist, Mentor, Friend

Brayden M.

Ragdoll, Stuntman, Hero, Friend

Fabio D.

Camera Operator, Gaffer, Friend

Christopher R.

Voice, Unused Character, Friend


Fact Checker, Kamen Rider Enjoyer, Friend

Bro3256 (Brenden)

Gameplay Recorder, Famicom Owner, Friend

Thank you.

See you in the next project!


Where do I even start, obviously Review Series was going to have more than one episode. The original intention was for it to be more than just a video game review show, episodes were going to have a larger focus on plot than reveiwing the actual game. The plot of an average episode would be me trying to review a game, and how the annoyances of life can get in the way of trying to do one simple task. I used to have really bad equipment, with my laptop constantly crashing, the monitor was busted, the battery stopped working, an awful mic, and a mid-range drawing tablet. I wanted the issues I faced daily to be a key aspect to the story and I always thought it was the reason I couldn't get my work off the ground.I can't really say this is the case anymore. I have a new laptop, camera, microphone, and drawing tablet, they all run like a dream. It's honestly everything I ever wanted. I was able to get them thanks to a few jobs I've had over the years, and more importantly due to support from my family.Even with all of this great equipment, I still struggled with getting my ideas off the ground. I only ever really blamed what was around me for my issues rather than realizing that I have a hard time sitting down and working. Whether it be due to fear, doubt, anxiety, or failure, I made a million reasons for why I shouldn't work. It was a constant battle that probably tired me out more than sitting down and just doing it.I made this website because I want to return to the stuff I used to do and finally break from all the fear and self doubt that I made for myself.Unfortunately, I can't really say what I will make next. More Review Series? Maybe, probably not. Will it be some crazy film about the issues I face creatively!? I wish, but I also have this really weird thing called college, it's ok if you haven't heard of it, just know it takes up a lot of my time. Who knows, it being a surprise will hopefully make whatever I do next that much sweeter.It's sad to me that I never got to see what my original idea was going to become. Life keeps moving and whatever I make next has to adapt to that, which means I can't really go back and just do more of what I did. It's not like I really want to anyways, I'm learning to be happier with what I have now. It's about everything I ever wanted, all I have to do now is do it.If you know me personally, just know that you've helped me more than you realize, I wouldn't be pushing through all the garbage I deal with if it weren't for all of the amazing people around me, they're the real reasons why I do any of this at all, I just want to make stuff that's for my friends and family. I hope anyone outside of that circle enjoys my stuff too of course.The rest of this page will be dedicated to everyone who helped me with this video and the series that never happened.

Review Series:
Part 0

Episode 1 & 2 Credits

Wavetro (George)

Writing Consulting, Advice, Friend

Joddie Lopez

Concept Artist, Layout Artist,
Mentor, Friend

Brayden M.

Ragdoll, Stuntman, Hero, Friend

Fabio D.

Camera Operator, Gaffer, Friend

Christopher R.

Voice, Unused Character, Friend


Fact Checker, Kamen Rider Enjoyer,

Bro3256 (Brenden)

Gameplay Recorder,
Famicom Owner, Friend

Thank you.

See you in the next project!

If you've made it this far down, I'd like to personally reward you with this small snippet from the unreleased second episode.
and some extra goodies.

(unused final poster)

(unused timeline graphic)

An interesting piece for an unannounced or scrapped project.Stay tuned?